One of the things about getting older is experiencing all the change personally. What was once stable is now gone. The hot companies have merged or disappeared. Some things remain, but they’ve often changed form.

It’s the circle of corporate life.

Change is coming. Anticipate it. Create it. Just don’t wait for it to smack you in the face.

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The ability to destroy what was built with our own hands – to build something new is a great strategic skill.

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Many thanks!

The pace of change differs from industry to industry. Moreover, is some industries small incremental changes lead to a breakthrough one day. For instance. the shipping container invention blew up the industry and turned it upside down. And we must be psychologically ready to such leapfrogs.

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The wine business also changed, as did the way we process taxes, and even funeral and cementary services are and will be different in the future.

Embrace the change. I'd say, evolve, rather than destroy.

Thanks for the thought-provoking article.

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